World Languages

hello in various languagesThe goal of the World Languages Program is to promote the study of foreign languages and cultures as a marketable skill in the 21st century and to prepare our students to use a foreign language in whatever career choices they make. The educational focus of the program is to incorporate the NJSLS framework for World Languages to assist teachers in developing and implementing relevant and meaningful lessons for their students. By providing an environment that is rich in language and culture teachers will foster social and cultural awareness and appreciation for the interrelationships among these. Students must be able to participate in culturally appropriate ways as they interact with members of other cultures in order to be productive members of the diverse community in which they live. The vision of our World Languages Program is to utilize communicative-based instruction to prepare students for authentic language use in the real world. All classroom activities are not focused on grammatical mastery but on the ability of students to communicate in the target language. The UCHS World Languages Department offers sequential courses in Italian, Spanish, and Spanish Native Language for heritage speakers.