️🚧Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day🚧🛠️

The Union Construction Trades offer hands-on demonstrations & interactive areas that provide a better understanding of what their various craft entails. Their booths are colorful and eye-catching and play a significant role in the day’s success. The colleges are on board to explain the construction degree-related programs offered at their facilities, while the trade associations, federal and state agencies have information on being successful along the construction career paths.
Enclosed are some wonderful pictures of our students, who clearly had an enjoyable day. Clearly, this trip opened up their minds to alternative as well as lucrative careers they might want to pursue.
We were also interviewed by PBS Broadcasting, of which will be televised. Our very own student, Shediel A. Rivas was interviewed too. He was fabulous! Our students, as always were respectful, well behaved and in uniform. The Career Expo staff commented as to how wonderful our students were and that we are more than welcomed to attend future events. We left positive emotions that our students will never forget! Thank you Mrs. Abbato for allowing this specially important trip for our students.
Recientemente, los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Union City asistieron al Día Anual de la Industria de la Construcción en el New Jersey Convention & Expo Center en Edison, New Jersey.  La Exploración de Carreras es vital para los estudiantes y otras personas que buscan tomar decisiones informadas sobre sus futuras opciones de carrera y educación.  
La Unión de Oficios de la Construcción ofrece demostraciones prácticas y áreas interactivas que proporcionan una mejor comprensión de lo que implican sus diversos oficios. Sus stands, coloridos y llamativos, desempeñan un papel importante en el éxito de la jornada. Las universidades están a bordo para explicar los programas relacionados con la construcción que se ofrecen en sus instalaciones, mientras que las asociaciones profesionales y las agencias federales y estatales tienen información sobre cómo tener éxito en las carreras de la construcción.

Adjuntamos algunas fotos maravillosas de nuestros estudiantes, que claramente pasaron un día agradable. Está claro que este viaje les ha abierto la mente a carreras alternativas y lucrativas que podrían querer seguir.

También fuimos entrevistados por PBS Broadcasting, lo que será televisado. Nuestro propio alumno, Shediel A. Rivas, también fue entrevistado. ¡Estuvo fabuloso! Nuestros estudiantes, como siempre fueron respetuosos, se comportaron bien y en uniforme. El personal del Career Expo comentó lo maravillosos que eran nuestros estudiantes y que somos más que bienvenidos a asistir a futuros eventos. Dejamos emociones positivas que nuestros estudiantes nunca olvidaran. Gracias Señora Abbato por permitir este viaje especialmente importante para nuestros estudiantes.
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day
Enjoying The Construction Career Industry Day