UCHS JSA Students Partake in Winter Congress in Washington DC

JSA Winter Congress was held in Washington, DC, on February 20-23, 2020, our guest speaker was Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. UCHS was chosen from over 120 schools to ask her the question that we formulated and submitted.  Awni Pimentel asked her,” What do you believe to be the most influential Supreme Court case of all time.”  Her answer was, “Marbury v. Madison, which establishing the doctrine of judicial review,” she spoke for approximately 5 minutes to answer the question thoroughly.

Congratulations to Awni Pimentel for winning the 2 JSA Winter Congress Best Speaker Awards with his support and lead speaker of a bill to ban the Confederate Symbols, the Climate Justice Act and a bill to repeal The Espionage Act of 1917 and establish new measures that promote transparency and accountability. 

Sergio Herrera and Brandon Urgiles bill were chosen and they led the committee for a bill to Increase funding for the newly founded the United States Space Force.

Along with other JSA members, Honorable mention of the achievements of the following JSA Debate members in their Committees and subcommittees: Diego Romero, Ricardo Meseron, Sergio Herrera, Sebastian Subia, Awni Pimentel, Maria Medrano, Ivanna Ramirez, Omaria Serrano, Emily Vaca, Autumn Harnot, Kevin Arrango, Oliver Villalta, Giuliano Rinaldi, Brandon Urgiles, Elton Tao for arguing in support of proposed bills and having them passed through Congress.