Congratulations to the Junior State of America (JSA) On The First Successful One Day Fall State Competition

Congratulations to the Junior State of America (JSA) On the first successful One Day Fall State Competition at The College of New Jersey on Saturday, October 26th, 2019.  JSA's thirteen members led and guided by Jeanne Baridon and Patrick Oriani, debated current events and Thought Talk.  They listened to debates and engage in civil dialogue to improve the understanding and change the democracy we live in. 
The team also won two first place in Best Speaker:
Awni P., President:  Con: Resolved, the clause stating: "Presidents may be natural-born Americans" be struck
Elton T.: Pro: Resolved, Avengers: Endgame is unparalleled in its cultural significance as a film to society.
JSA Members Who Contributed to Debates and Thought Talks
Autumn H., Sergio H., Maria M.,  Ricardo M., Ivanna R., Diego R., Maria S., Sebastian S., Sumaiya T., Brandon U., Emily V.
Thank you for affording our team this amazing opportunity to represent Union City High School/ Jose Marti STEM Academy.