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January 2025 Students of The Month-Union City High School

🏆January Students of The Month🏆

Union City High School is delighted to celebrate the January 2025 Students of the Month! We are so PROUD of these incredible students. Their dedication is quite admirable and are an excellent example of the Union City School District.
The UCHS Weekly Update-January 27-31, 2025

🚨The UCHS Weekly Update: January 27-31, 2025🚨

Hello everyone, as we continue with 2025, we want to congratulate our January Students of The Month, provide details about the upcoming Winter Formal, the Dance Company Fundraisers, the Blood Drive in March and other meaningful dates as the 2024-2025 school year continues. Thank you for taking the time to review the Union City High School Weekly Update.
FBI Visit to Union City High School

🚔📢 Union City High School Welcomes the FBI!🚔📢

Last week, Union City High School had the incredible opportunity to host Dustin Doyle and Dean Drugac from the FBI! They gave an insightful presentation to our seniors about what it means to work for the FBI, its role in our community, and the exciting opportunities available for young individuals interested in law enforcement and public service.
A Productive January Parent Breakfast/Workshop at the Union City High School

🥞A Productive January Parent Breakfast/Workshop🥞

Ms. Amenah Najjar, Mrs. Debbie Mendez, Mr. Ludwig Gomez. School Based Youth Services along with Partners in Prevention provided valuable information on the growing concerns surrounding vaping and substance abuse among teens. They also provided parents with tools to support children in managing stress.

To Report Bullying

Stop Bullying
Please contact:
Ms. Shannon Lynch
UCHS HIB Coordinator
 [email protected]
201-330-8678 ext. 60635
HIB Score
74 out of 78

UCHS Code of Conduct

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